Reb Nota Peharer’s Voloch

Since the founding of Chassidus, Niggunim have been a very important part of a Chasid’s avodas Hashem. At farbrengens, by the Shabbos table and in davening, these soul stirring songs have always been heard. However, until Reb Nota Peharer came around it lacked an organized touch. It is thanks to his great effort in arranging the niggunim in an accurate and meticulous fashion, that we have negina as we know it today.

This group was established as a result of a sicha of Simchas Torah 5660, in which the Rebbe Rashab spoke publicly about avodas halev, and how this service of davening b'arichus and contemplation is a personal obligation.

Torah and Tefilla are two entirely separate worlds which were commanded to us by Hashem and given to us by one shepherd.

These two worlds of Torah and Tefilla are not only apart in their times, meaning, that the time for Torah is separate then the time of tefilla, but even their niggunim are different a song for davening is not the same as a song for Torah.

The Rebbe Rashab, then expounded on the saying "Kol m'orer hakavona" (Sound arouses concentration) and explained at length the effects of negina on one’s train of thoughts and ability to delve into a concept, and how it helps to inspire the heart, elevate the spirit and excite the Nefesh…

After Sukkos at the first gathering of the Tmimim, it was decided that they would place an emphasis on learning how to sing niggunei Chasidim. The decision bore fruit within a few weeks they began a Seder Niggunim every Shabbos before the maamer was said and on the afternoons of Shabbos between Mincha.

Over the next two years the group of menagnim grew, but 'negina' was still not properly organized or systemized. Both a clear knowledge of the niggunim, and the precision of the notes were missing. This lasted until Hatomim Reb Nota Peharer came in 5662.

Besides for Ht’ Nota Peharer's sweet voice, he also had an amazing musical talent. With his singing he would capture hearts, and it was he who organized the group of Menagnim and stood at their head.

A number of times the Rebbe Rashab mentioned that he had a lot of gratification from the fact that Nota coordinated the Menagnim, because "that’s the way of a P'nimi, everything by {about} him is organized and especially in regards to negina which is one of the 'keys' to talent and great qualities".

The seder niggunim before the maamer, on Shavuos 5662, was the first time Ht’ Nota of Peharer officiated as leader of the group in an organized presentation of niggunim. This arrangement amazed the listeners and specifically HaRav Hachosid Reb Yehuda Leib Hoffman who was a great menagen in his own right.

Yud Tes Kislev Night, - 613 5663 Candles

During the seuda on the second night of Sukkos 5707, the Friediker Rebbe requested of the chazzon Reb Shmuel Kantarof to sing Reb Nota Peharer's Voloch. Afterwards he told the following story:

To celebrate the Chag Hag'eula of Yud Tes Kislev 5663, the Chassidim erected a "Shaar Shel Kavod" (Arch of Adoration) in the Rebbe Rashab's honor in the courtyard in Lubavitch. The windows of the courtyard were adorned with 613 candles. When the Rebbe Rashab left his house for the Beis Midrash to farbreng, the chassidim lit a fuse which simultaneously set alight all 613 candles. The entire courtyard was bathed in light. Reb Nota sat on top of the gate; in the middle of the courtyard stood Harav Hatomim Reb Shaul Dovber (Zislin) acting as conductor. At Reb Shaul's side was Hatomim Shmuel Katzmen who then signaled to the choir to start singing. At that point, with great musical talent, Reb Nota began singing his famous Voloch.

Farbrengen of Simchas Torah 5688

After his the arrest in year 5687, the Friediker Rebbe was forced to leave Russia and resettle in Riga, Latvia.

The last Farbrengen for the Anash of Russia with the Frierdiker Rebbe was on Simchas Torah 5688, being that most of them, were trapped behind the Iron Curtain with no way of leaving.

One can hardly imagine the emotions were felt at that fabrengen. Thousands of Chassidim had come to be with their Rebbe this last time before he would have to leave Russia. Each one of them hoping and praying that they should be lucky enough to see their Rebbe again, despite all the odds, which unfortunately did not look promising.

In middle of the Farbrengen, the Frierdiker Rebbe turned to Reb Nota and said to him "Nota! Sing the Samech Gimmel'dike Niggun for us" referring to his volach which he had sung in front of the Rebbe Rashab on that historic Yud Tes Kislev in Samech Gimmel, 5663. (As mentioned previously)

As the Chassidim joined in the singing, there was an unbelievable outpour of emotion. Some were gripped by a boundless joy, while others broke out into bitter sobbing. Those rejoicing were reliving that memorable day in Samech Gimmel, while those weeping were feeling the pain a Chossid feels knowing that his Rebbe will be leaving him, at least for the time being.

The Famous "Volach"

We are told the reason that the Frierdiker Rebbe called this niggun "the well-known niggun of Reb Nota Paharer" is because of the incident that occurred with it. The story goes as follows:

After making the long and difficult journey to Lubavitch, Reb Nota was finally going to fulfill his dream, to learn in Tomchei T'mimim. However the Mashgiach - Reb Yaakov Boruch Krasik- didn't want to accept him because he couldn't meet the extremely high standards demanded of the bochurim. Upon hearing this news he was totally broken so he went to sit down in the room adjoining the Zal (known as the "chabad'nitza") and began singing his "Volach". As we mentioned earlier in the letter of the Frierdiker Rebbe that, "Besides for Ht’ Nota Paharer's sweet voice he also had an amazing musical talent. With his singing he would capture hearts".

As the sound of his voice carried the niggun into the Zal, chavrusos, captivated by the sweetness of his voice, stopped learning. After a few minutes, a couple of bochurim got up to follow the sound of the singing. Slowly but surely the entire Zal stopped learning to listen to the bochur who was pouring his heart out in song. Suddenly, the mashgiach realized something was wrong, no sound of learning could be heard, they were all listening to the beautiful niggun. But who was singing…?

This incident had made a strong impression on Reb Yaakov and because of it he decided to accept Reb Nota as a bochur in Tomchei T'mimim.