Mi Armia Admura

R' Bentche

On a summer day in 5735 (1975), Reb Bentche Shemtov was walking across the street at the entrance to Kfar Chabad when, in a terrible accident, he was struck by a passing truck. Several days later, on 5 Tammuz, he returned his soul to his maker.

On Yud Beis Tammuz, at the farbrengen, the Rebbe made mention of this special Chossid.

“Since the arrest and imprisonment is connected to Russia and especially to the army which the ba'al hasimcha v’hageulah established… it is an appropriate time to sing a Russian niggun, and specifically a niggun that speaks about ‘Mi Armia Admura,’ the army of the Rebbe.”

This was a Russian military song which Reb Bentche had repurposed into a niggun about the dedication of Chassidim to the Rebbe.

Hinting to Reb Bentche, the Rebbe continued: “This is associated with the fact that the Kovetz Michtavim of Tehillim (Psalms) was just published in English, in memory of a person who had the merit to be exiled for spreading Torah.

“Yehi ratzon that this army, which continues to exist today, should be an appropriate continuation; the young should look at those soldiers, in that army, and likewise raise their children and grandchildren…”

The London Boys Choir