Becha Hashem

R' Moshe

This Yud Alef Nissan stands out among all others. Leading up the Rebbe’s 70th birthday, Chassidim all over the world prepared special matanos for the Rebbe. Reb Moshe Teleshevsky’s gift was a niggun “Becha Hashem Chasisi.”

Reb Moshe relates:

“I remembered this happy tune from when I was eight years old which is an old Chassidic song composed by Reb Bentziyon Halberstam, the second Bobover Rebbe. Chassidim in the Chabad Shul in Riga would sing this song during Hakafos. I added words from the Rebbe’s new kapitel and sent the results to the Rebbe for his approval. The Rebbe gave his approval and the niggun was a hit.

During the festive Yud Alef Nissan farbrengen that year, Chassidim sung this niggun with such enthusiasm, the likes of which had never seen before.

During this farbrengen, something new started which expresses the energy and mood of Chassidim on this occasion. Until that point, when the Rebbe entered the farbrengen, the entire Shul was quiet. But on this occasion, Chassidim could not hold back their great joy and the niggun burst forth from the crowd with great enthusiasm.

I heard that after the farbrengen, the Rebbetzin requested a recording of the niggun “Becha Hashem Chasisi” that was sung by the farbrengen saying that she had heard this was a very special niggun.”

By the Rebbe