Orech Yomim

“Orech Yomim” was composed by Reb Sholom Halevi Brochshtat in honor of the Rebbe’s 90th birthday and aptly captures the feeling of Chassidim after Chof Zayin Adar. He relates how he had heard that others had given recordings of their niggun to be played in the Rebbe’s room. Following their example, he submitted a recording to be played in the Rebbe’s room. The niggun was subsequently chosen.

The words of this niggun strongly reflected the feelings of Chassidim. On the one hand, it was Yud Alef Nissan – Tishim Shana, a great milestone and celebration. Yet, Chassidim did not merit seeing the Rebbe and spending this day together with him. Chassidim beseeched Hashem to fulfill the promise to the Tzaddik “Orech Yomim”…

As in previous years the niggun was played on the Mitzvah Tanks which were part of the Tank Parade. The parade that year was held an unprecedented amount of tanks – 90 in total!

That year on the second night of Shavuos, after three and half painful months of not being able to see the Rebbe, Chassidim were zoche to see the Rebbe for the first time.

A bochur who was present relates:

“On the first day of Shavuos there were rumors spreading that after Tahalucha, it would be possible to see the Rebbe. After 10pm, a large crowd began to gather at the entrance to 770 and, slowly it became clear that the Rebbe would indeed come out through the front door of 770.

After about two hours of tense waiting, during which the entire area became packed with Chassidim, seeking to catch if but a glimpse of the Rebbe, the front door of 770 opened. Upon seeing the Rebbe for the first time in over 100 days of yearning and pain, Chassidim burst forth with the niggun “Orech Yomim”.

With tears of joy and pain, Chassidim sang wholeheartedly for several minutes expressing their fervent desire that the Rebbe should be gezunt as the Rebbe looked in each direction at the Chassidim who had gathered…”

Reb Sholom Brochshtat

Shiu Lamelech