V'chol Karnei

The niggun “V'chol Karnei” is an old niggun, well-known by Chassidim and was composed by Reb Dovid Stockhamer (the father-in-law of Reb Moshe Pinchas Katz). Reb Dovid came from a background of Polishe Chassidim and was a Ba’al Menagen. He composed this niggun which speaks about the downfall of reshaim and in connection with this also put in the word from the end of kapitel 133 in Tehillim “Oivav Albish Boishes”. This niggun was beloved by the Frierdiker Rebbe, who called it a “Flam Fayer niggun”.

At the farbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Matos 5714 (1954), the Rebbe requested this niggun to be sung saying that the niggun was far from sadness and certainly from bitterness. The Rebbe connected it to the Frierdiker Rebbe’s kapitel of that year.

A year later, at the farbrengen of Shavos 5715 (1955), the Rebbe mentioned that it was five years since the Frierdiker Rebbe asked Reb Dovid to start this niggun. The Rebbe then said that being that Reb Dovid is here at the farbrengen and so is his niggun, he should get up and sing the niggun.

The niggun was very beloved by the Rebbe, and was sung over the years. However, one day a year this niggun took on a whole new level of excitement. This was by Hakofos on Simchas Torah, where one of the Hakafos would always begin with this fiery niggun.

But then something amazing would occur.

As the Olam would reach the part with the words “Oyvov Albish”, the Rebbe would swiftly move his hand back and forth again and again to this part, while the Chassidim sang the tune of “Ooooooy” for what seemed like an eternity as Chassidim breathlessly tried to keep up with the Rebbe’s vigorous movements.

It was only natural that the year that V'chol Karnei was in the Rebbe’s Kapitel, it was chosen to be added to this niggun.