Shir hageulah - Hachayenu Kel

The yeshiva students in Shanghai, China

A special song composed by Rabbi Rosenberg a”h one of the Lubavitcher students “trapped״ in Shanghi, China during the holocaust. It reflects the deep yearning hope and faith that they would soon be reunited with their dear Rebbe, and in the coming of Moshiach.

It starts with the words “Hachayeinu kel..” (“please Hashem let us live to see Moshiach”). It was a rumor that these words, which were printed in the famous periodical of those days, Hakriya v’hakedusha, may have been penned by the Frierdiker Rebbe himself, as a t’fila and nevuah…

This became the theme song for these young orphans. It was also sung at a Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen with the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe present and it was said that the Rebbe cherished it.

Here it is sung by one of those Shanghai students, Reb Mottel Bryski a”h (who would joke that although his name is Mordechai he isn’t MBD), who sang it proudly at every family Simcha as those were the greatest revenge on the y’mach sh’mam v’zichram.