A Sample

At a Farbrengen in the summer of 1961, the Rebbe said to Reb Shmuel Zalmenov: "It's customary here (in America) before you sell something, to give a sample, give a sample."

"Announce that it's a sample and it costs such and such, give now a sample."

"Tell anyone that it's coming out, and about all the difficulties, all the complaints etc ... All the details."

Reb Shmuel Zalmenov gets up and announcers: "There is a new record of Lubavitcher Niggunim (Nichoach). Niggunim for the Alter Rebbe, Miteler Rebbe, Rebbe Maharash..."

The Rebbe turns to Reb Shmuel Zalmenov and says: "Nu? Give a sample!"

Reb Shmuel Zalmenov starts the Niggun Ata Vechartonu.