
Kremetchuker Niggun

R' Avraham

This deep, soul-stirring niggun was composed by Reb Avraham Charitonov of Nikolayev. It is set to the words said in Shabbos Mevarchim davening:

יחדשהו הקדוש ברוך הוא עלינו ועל כל עמו בית ישראל לחיים ולשלום

- May the Holy One, blessed be He, renew it for us and for all His people, the house of Israel, for life and peace.

Although the niggun was originally composed with two stanzas, it is usually sung with three, the third added later by the Chassidim of Kremetchug. They sung this niggun often and brought it to the city of Lubavitch. Being so, this niggun is also called the “Kremetchuker Niggun”.
