Harninu Lelokim

The niggun “Harninu Lelokim”, composed by Reb Faitel Levin, was the first niggun which was composed with an original tune. Being Shnas Hashmonim, the feeling among Chassidim was one of reaching new heights. Appropriately, the new niggun for Yud Alef Nissan was with a new tune. The niggun was well received and quickly learned. In fact, even before the Purim farbrengen of that year, there were loudspeakers playing the niggun over and over to familiarize everyone with the new tune.

The niggun was first sung on Chof Alef Adar when the Rebbe returned home from 770 and, to the great delight of the Bochurim, the Rebbe encouraged the singing. It was sung every night until Yud Alef Nissan. It was also sung at the farbrengen that Shabbos (25 Adar) when the Rebbe entered the farbrengen and after the first sicha.

Reb Feitel was delighted when he received a handwritten note from the Rebbe thanking him for the niggun.

Reb Faitel Levin

Shiru Lamelech