Tiku Bachodesh

This niggun is one commonly sung in the month of Elul, fondly referenced as “Tiku Bachodesh”. It’s tune was originally known simply as “A Niggun L'shabbos V'yom Tov.” A sweet and enthusiastic melody in three parts, giving introspective expression and a deep yearning for religious inspiration and spiritual elevation. This niggun is of very early origin and is also widely spread among various Chassidic groups.

The third stanza of the song is commonly sung to the words “Tiku Bachodesh, Bachodesh Hashevi, Shuvo Yisroel.”

The story is told of a Chosid who returned home after spending the month of Tishrei in Lubavitch, Russia with the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch (Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn, 10 September 1892 – 21 March 1920). The Chosid, being just a simple G-d Fearing Jew, was unable to understand any of the Torah taught by the Rebbe, all he could repeat to his hometown residents were – in this very tune- the titles of three of the Ma'amorim (Chassidic discourses) delivered by the Rebbe:

“תקעו בחודש, בחודש השביעי, שובה ישראל”


there is a Russian version too. In Russia they would sing Tiku with the Russian words: “Nashi kramki na’udetzeh betz’kramki, moz-no-to-ko-vat, sh’tova, Tiku Bachodesh, Bachodesh Shofar (or Hashevi), Shuba Yisroel” meaning: The stores are opened, ready to sell. What do you have to offer? “Tiku Bachodesh…” Yidden do teshuva.

Nashi Kranki