
From a concluding prayer in the Selichos service. The opening bars reveal the remorse of the remorseful spirit, while the conclusion voices a strong hope for the acceptance and fulfillment of the worshippers’ petitions to the Almighty. The melody was composed by the Rebbe’s maternal grandfather, Reb Meir Shlomo Halevi Yanovsky, the Rav of Nikolayev. It was introduced by the Rebbe on the holiday of Simchas Torah in 5720 (1959).


רַחֲמָנָא דְעָנֵי לַעֲנִיֵּי עֲנֵינָא. רַחֲמָנָא דְעָנֵי לִתְבִירֵי לִבָּא עֲנֵינָא

O Merciful One, who answers the poor, answer us; O Merciful One, who answers the brokenhearted, answer us.