Ve’harikoisi Lo’chem Bracha (280)

R' Pinye Althois

When visiting the Rebbe on Shavuos 5720, Reb Pinye Althois sang a new version of “Ve’harikoisi Lo’chem Bracha.” A few weeks later, at the farbrengen on Yud Beis Tammuz, the crowd sang the usual version. The Rebbe turned to Reb Pinye’s son and said, “Sing your father’s Ve’harikoisi. Do you know it?” And the crowd sang this niggun. From then on, this niggun was sung quite often at the Rebbe’s farbrengens, with the Rebbe referring to it as the “new Ve’harikoisi Lochem Bracha.” The Rebbe was often heard singing along with the crowd in an undertone.

Reb Pinye passed away on Friday, 9 Iyar 5723. Two months later, the Rebbe spoke about Reb Pinye at the Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen, with a voice choked with tears:

“One of the people who had a big part in bringing about the release of Yud Beis Tammuz was Pinye. Considering the close attention he received from the [Frierdiker] Rebbe, we can assume that he is currently participating in a Yud Beis Tammuz farbrengen!

“There is a niggun that he would often sing to the words of Ve’harikoisi Lo’chem Brocha; surely some of the people here know it. Let us sing this niggun here, and he will probably join us from wherever he is!”

R' Shmuel Betzalel (vocal)

R' Shmuel Betzalel (music)

By the Rebbe